Helperby’s mission is to develop approved anti-infective drugs into cost-effective combinations with synergistic anti-microbial activity to treat WHO Critical Priority Infections. Such combinations markedly reduce future antimicrobial resistance (AMR), extending the antibiotics’ usable lifespan while preserving efficacy and improving safety with refined dosing.

We are developing two different combinations of approved anti-infectives targeting complicated urinary tract (cUTI) and skin and soft tissue structure (ASSSI) infections in US and EU. These highly effective combinations reduce emergence of AMR by using two synergistic anti-infective drugs to treat life-threatening infections in hospitalised patients with Carbapenem Resistant Gram-negative bacteria (WHO Critical Priority), including strains with no effective treatment today.

Our cost efficiencies at every stage of development and post-approval commercialisation permit potential profitability in a field where this is has not been prioritised. We expect to have more that 10x lower costs as well as faster time to sales than companies making New Chemical Entities (NCEs). As we use approved anti-infective drugs this removes some important risks of failure so probability of success is estimated 6.7x higher than NCEs.

We are opening this round of fundraising for $30m in 2021, with a further round for $20m in 2022 and targeting sales in 2024.